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<div class="ModeleBUtilisateurTexte plainlinks" style="font-size:11px; line-height:1.25;">Cet utilisateur exige l'annexion de l'<b><a href="../../../../articles/u/n/i/Union_europ%C3%A9enne.html" title="Union européenne">UE</a></b> par le <b><a href="../../../../articles/v/a/t/Vatican.html" title="Vatican">Vatican</a></b></div>
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<p><a name="Early_life" id="Early_life"></a></p>
<h2><span class="editsection">[<a href="../../../../articles/b/i/l/Utilisateur%7EBilliot_2e7d.html" title="Modifier la section&#160;: Early life">modifier</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline">Early life</span></h2>
<p><b>David St. Claude Billiot</b> began his life in poverty as the son of a fleeing criminal. His first language is French as spoken by the Houma Nation of Louisiana, though he himself was born in Mississippi. In his first years, the family included his father, an older brother, a younger brother and a frequently changed step-mother. His first memories are of living in a car as his father travelled across the country to avoid capture by police. He first attended school in the state of Mississippi but could not complete kindergarden there because he did not at that time speak English which is a requirement of that state. He did understand how to read and write in English but had no speaking ability. When David was seven the family moved back to New Orleans Louisiana; but at this time David still did not attand school. After several years in New Orleans, the family moved to Hahnville Louisiana in St. Charles Parish just outside New Orleans. At the age of eleven David began school and was placed in the Third grade due to state regulations. Upon learning to adequetly communicate in English and with the help of several Fracophone teachers David proved to have an intellect beyond what anyone would have expected. David did not have a very plesant social life since he was not accepted by students becuase of his age or becuase of his accademic ability. He was noted as the only American Indian at the school and the only non black along with his brothers to live in the housing project which was close to the school. Not being white and living in the projects was enough to cause many of the white students to exclude David from their social interactions, while not being black and maintaining a general distaste for sports and a tendency to read made him an oddball in the black community that he normally found himself in. He continued to display great ability in accademics and was eventually placed in the Gifted and Talented Program after being tested for IQ and being Tested as Gifted in Drama. Even in the more advance classes he continued to make all A's and teachers began to make preporations to send David to allow him to skip a grade. It was during this time that David converted to Catholicism in opposition to the violent wishes of his father who had left the Church early in hisown life and was a devout atheist.</p>
<p>When David was fourteen his father was arrested and David was not to see him again until he was attending College. David was placed in foster care of the state of Louisiana when he was moved between many different foster homes. He continued his high level of accademic achievement even though his school changed many times during this period. Even though he had skipped a grade and could easily get into college after high school the problem presented to David was the fact that he would turn eighteen well before he could graduate. The domestic situation in many foster homes was not what David wished to continue so like many students in foster care he considered dropping out and leaving foster care upon his eighteenth birthday and getting a job or entering the seminary. There was however another option. The Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts in Natchitoches Louisiana would allow him to graduate after he turned eighteen and he would be in a boarding school environment what would be better suited to his needs than a foster home. The difficulty with this plan is that this school is extremely hard to get into and is ranked as the Number One High School in North America and maybe the world. The selection process was not easy but David was accepted to enter the school in order to complete his last two years of high school.</p>
<p>At the Louisiana School, or LSMSA, he continued to impress teachers with his intellect. He continued his study of Latin at the school as well as drama. He is also noted as having become a Eucaristic Minister in the local Catholic Church while in attendance at LSMSA.</p>
<p>After LSMSA he attended LSU and recieved a degree in Political Science. He began several companies while in college as well as after college but his main employment was in Sales for other companies.</p>
<p>Following Hurricane Katrina David was left with a failed business; another had failed before following 9-11; no home and the company he worked for closing its doors. David then moved from the New Orleans area to Japan where he currently teaches English in elementary school and has a side company that deals with teaching and translating Latin, French, English and Japanese.</p>

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